Stuff We Like


We carry dry brushes for the body and face.

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a simple, inexpensive practice to boost the functionality of your lymphatic system, exfoliate dead skin, improve circulation and focus some time to care for yourself. We’re not experts, but we’ve personally enjoyed the benefits from dry brushing and recommend that everyone give it a try! Check out some articles and videos below for instructions on how to do it.

Articles to read

6 Amazing Benefits of Dry Brushing

4 Proven Benefits of Dry Brushing and How to Start Today

10 Things that Happen When you Start Dry Brushing

videos to watch

We like these videos from the Cancer Rehab PT YouTube channel because of her expertise in how the lymphatic system works. She gives accommodations for people who may have compromised lymph nodes, but the videos are good for everyone.

Dry brushing for lymphatic drainage of the whole body

Dry Brushing for lymphatic drainage of the face

banana bread recipe

This is our all time favorite banana bread recipe. It calls for sour cream, but you could also use yogurt or any style of milk, plant or dairy. We like to “Reeces-ize” ours with peanut butter and chocolate chips or Nutella, and a loaf usually doesn’t see 24 hours in our house:)

Sour Cream Banana Bread